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XJ Electric Corporation Invited to Deliver a Keynote Report at the 20th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission
Release date: 2024-07-16 Source of information: XJ Group Corporation

From July 12 to 15, the 20th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2024) was held in Shanghai. Sponsored by IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), Tsinghua University, Huairou Laboratory and China Electrical Equipment Group Co., Ltd. and organized by XJ Electric Corporation and other organizations, this conference is a grand event to discuss the innovative development of energy and power, as well as a grand event for experts and friends from all walks of life to seek common cooperation, share development and create the future together.

The conference focused on the discussion of topics such as basic components, key core equipment and major AC/DC transmission projects for building a new power system. It contributed intelligent solutions to the innovative development of AC/DC transmission technology, built a bridge linking technical exchanges and cooperation for scholars from all walks of life, and effectively promoted international innovation cooperation in the transmission technology field.